Picture of the founder

Hi I'm Edward

I started out my career with drag and drop website builders while studying for a finance degree, writing code during my spare time. No real reason, I just like building stuff I guess. Shortly afterwards, I discovered php (Zend Framework), add a little javascript (The Dojo Toolkit) and suddenly I had the stack to build things that could actually deliver value.

I made a couple of websites as a freelance dev during and after school, but my first non-trivial system to build was a web-based replacement for the bookkeeping software in use at my first job as an accountant. The size and complexity of this project provided a wealth of experience giving me the confidence to work on my first independent software product, a Property Management System (See demo videos) that also had financial reporting out of the box.

By now, I had begun to realise my passion for coding and so I decided to pivot my career completely. This meant I had to build engineering skills from the ground up and so I spent countless hours grabbing every online resource I could find on computer science. Edx's Software Development Micromasters program and teachyourselfcs.com were some of the best I found but, the absolutely best course I ever took was nand2tetris which I accessed via coursera. That one course opened my eyes to exactly how computers actually create all the magic that we all know and love.

After having taken enough courses, I was ready to test the skills I had gathered against fellow devs. I figured the best way to do so was to share what I'd learned over the years of coding by combining my finance knowledge and the newly acquired engineering skills. So I published Eloquent IFRS, a package for automating bookkeeping in Laravel applications. Now I have to admit I was pretty scared of the feedback as it was going to be the first time anyone would see my programming.

Luckily, my work turned out good enough from a skills point of view and the package generated a modest following on github. This indicated to me a need for devs for bookkeeping support for their projects and so microbooks.io was born.

I'm pretty new to the whole entrepreneurship ecosystem, so if you notice something I'm doing wrong (or right ;)), get in touch via twitter @ekmungai or send me plain old email at edward@microbooks.io where I promise to respond asap.

Cheers and Thanks,